Le canicule est ici!

Ah, yes. That's right. The "dog days of summer" have arrived in the Ohio Valley. Alas, there's no temporary plage along the Serpentine Wall to loll around on and few breezes blowing.
In light of this and in need of a treat, I foraged my fridge for a reward and came up with this: a colorful treasure trove of summer fruits at their ripest. Rinsing, peeling and chopping, I create a sumptuous melange: an emerald green kiwi flecked with peppery black seeds; a juicy white fleshed donut peach; its cousin, the fragrant nectarine; berries of a midnight blue hue; and that most luxurious of fresh summer fruits, the raspberry. Coddling them all together, drizzled with heavy cream, in a Provencal blue bowl, I dip my silver spoon into the heady mix.
The air is sultry and so is the scent of my tuberose candle. I can drift off now to visit Paris After Sunset via DVD!
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